

Supporting causes close to the hearts of one’s family by giving of one’s wealth can bring even more personal satisfaction than creating it. Philanthropy is a far-reaching and often profound way for our clients to influence the future. Many families view charitable giving as a means of shaping the values they wish to impart in future generations, bringing the family together for a common cause.

For individuals and families looking to create platforms for charitable or philanthropic giving, we are able to utilise our network of professional advisers in many jurisdictions to choose the right vehicle to achieve their philanthropic objectives.

Philanthropic structures would include Charitable and Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts, Foundations and Companies limited by Guarantee.

Fides Trustees can assist in establishing policies with regard to grant making, donations and investments, as well as on going administration of grants, donations and the preparation of reports and accounts.

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FIDES Trustees SA is licensed by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a Trustee within the meaning of the Financial Institutions Act, FinIA and as such is subject to Organisme de Surveillance des Instituts Financiers (OSIF) prudential supervision.